Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can i get rid of this pimple????????????/?

alright i have somewhere to be at 8 tonite!!!!!! right now its like 5 thirty five!!!!!! i need this pimple to either dissapear completely within that time or reduce the redness at least by 8!!!!!1 wat helps?????????????? plez dont say that theres nothin that works that quickly but at least tell me somethinthat can reduce the redness!!!!!!!!|||ten -o-six gel and coverup tonight.|||Put toothpaste. If that doesn%26#039;t work, then I would suggest ice; it really reduces redness. If neither work, then pop it and put a bit of concealer. Good luck, and I%26#039;m sure it%26#039;s not that bad! =]|||pop it then put coverup on it.|||Put a little dab of toothpaste on it for an hour!!! It works soo good!|||i would pop it then put cover up on it so nobody could tell!

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