Friday, January 8, 2010

How can i get rid of pimples and spots off my face?

I have a oily skin and i want to clear my skin. any idea how this can be done?|||apply lemon juice

%26#039;/|||use neutrogena oil free foam acne wash.|||started using the Clinique 3 Step Acne Solutions and so happy!!! I wish I would of used them first. I used so many products and never received the results that I wanted. Dec %26#039;07 I was at Macys and saw they had a acne kit and bought it and said let me try it and this is my third month using it and I see my face clearing and my friends see the difference in my skin. They have the small bottles in a box for like $35 and then bigger bottles if you like it for $50. If you try that also get the emergency spot treatment...ITS AWESOME! shrinks your pimple over night and Im also using their product called post blemish which lighten the spots. =) so good luck|||In the morning while in the shower wash your face with normal soap. I know this second one might seem a bit ridiculous but Visine( the one that gets rid of red eye) works. Just dap a bit on the spots.

Proactive does work for sure but it takes about a week for it to COMPLETELY start working and it takes a while to clear your skin of past scarring.

I would recommend a trip to the dermotologist office.|||Wash your face when you get home, when you go to bed, when you wake up, and any time it feels remotely oily.|||ProActive|||don%26#039;t use soap on you%26#039;re face. it%26#039;s simple, soap is bad for you%26#039;re skin. even the kind that is made for you%26#039;re face. use a warm washcloth to clean you%26#039;re face and use the soap to clean the washcloth and then rinse the soap out thoroughly and repeat a couple times a day. my husband swore by this while i tried every face wash known to man kind and when i decided to give it a try my skin became what i always wanted, flawless. give it a try.|||Wash your face daily morning and night. Drink heaps of water, and i mean HEAPS! And the other thing is sleep!! You HAVE to sleep to get rid of pimples.

=] Good luck|||By using No-Marks|||i use clear and clean its the best i used proative its the worst thing ever|||wot ever u dont get proactive it doesnt work its a waste of money my friend got it and it gave her really bad rashes and it didnt even get rid of the stupid pimples! so yea dont get it... if u guys have avon over there order %26quot;clear skin%26quot; they have a whole range of skin products for pimples and blackheads they really work i use them everyday and my face is free of pimples and has a natural glow =] hope i helped u|||Use an exfoliant in the morning during your shower and use a light cleanser before bed. Make sure both the exfoliant and cleanser are oil-free. Try not to touch your face during the day, you only transfer dirt and oils from your hands to your face. Eat healthy foods, lots of fruits and vegetables. Also, you could ask your doctor to recommend a cream. There are two causes of pimples, clogged pores and bacteria. Your doctor can also prescribe an antibiotic for bacterial pimples. Hope this helps and good luck. For more information, ask your doctor|||Tea Tree oil can be applied directly on the spots. For oily skin wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at|||Proactive.|||i heard one that vinegar was good, i was sceptikal and tried it and it really helped (im serious)|||whenever you wash your face scrub it with sugar, it sounds wierd but in two weeks you sould have good spotfree skin i did it nd it worked aalso, dalacin which yu can get from a chemist wit a roll on applicator works, if yu dont want aan oily face rub tea tree oil on yutr face wheneva yu feel yu need too hope it helps here is a source to help aswell|||get proActiv it works good.|||use a cream with benzoil peroxide (not sure on the spelling) is the same cream that proactive uses, you can buy a cheaper version with neutrogena. There%26#039;s this great website: they can really help you out and you can also buy the cream there and it%26#039;s a much bigger bottle than neutrogena. Buy the one with 2.5% it works the same as the 10% and it doesn%26#039;t irrate the skin.|||I have them before but now their gone.

I used papaya kojic base soap which are

available online.

You can find it via google %26#039;shopaholic%26#039;s bargains%26#039;

It work wonders.

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