Friday, January 8, 2010

I have a strange bump at the base of my skull, like a REALLY big pimple only it's been there for two years now

What could it be? I don%26#039;t have medical but will go to the doc soon because it has gotten a little biger and harder. It is right at the base of my skull where my spine ends. about the size of a peanut.|||Sounds like a sebaceous cyst. Your dr. can lance it and get it cleared up. Take care of it before it gets larger, or gets any worse.|||It%26#039;s a cyst.|||You might want to see a doctor about this one. That so called pimple might be cancer or some other disease.|||It could be a cyst or a lymph node.

You really need to get it checked out by a doctor.

Good Luck|||Dude! Watch out! I think you are growing a second head!!|||Ooooo you didn%26#039;t mention whether or not it hurts. If it hurts I%26#039;d bet on a sebaceous cyst. It%26#039;s basically a clogged sweat gland. They are fairly common in that location. My husband had one in the exact same place that was the size of a pea for years and then one day he woke up and it was like a marble and it HURT. The doctor tried to drain it but in the end he had to have surgery.

Definitely don%26#039;t put this off because the longer it goes on the more likely it is to require surgery. Being at the base of your skull like that can cause complications as there are bundles of nerves there that can be damaged. You mentioned not having medical... you might want to look into a job that offers it if this doesn%26#039;t get cleared up easily. That surgery was pricey. Good luck hon, I%26#039;ll send good thoughts your way!|||Could be a cyst.

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