Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do you get your pimples off with out spending much money?

I have pimples on my cheek and i dont know how to take this off.|||- razor blade.\ sand paper\ 100 grit.|||There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at|||use facial wash ti wash out the dirt%26#039;s|||Bathe every so often|||see a skin doc quick|||Use some cream or you can always pop em as well.|||If you ignore the zit it will go away in it own good time. And this won%26#039;t cost you a cent. Stop looking in the mirror at your zits this will only make them worst. Zits love attention|||There are lots of good creams and washes at Wal-mart. Some are a little more than others. You can easily get a great acne free set for about 20 dollars and it lasts about 6 weeks.

You might want to try, Acne Free, Loreal Adult Daily Acne Treatment, Or look around and see if there are others. The cheaper the wash, the less effective it seems to be.

The key to all of these treatments is to use them every day, make sure you wash your face every night, and take good care of your skin.|||Try putting witchazel on your skin every morning and night, you should see a difference in a couple of days and the best bit is it%26#039;s really, really cheap. Your local chemist will have bottles of it as will health shops.|||I%26#039;ve had bad skin my entire life (I%26#039;m 39), but that Proactive stuff worked wonders for me. I really was amazed. I look totally different. It%26#039;s not cheap, but I would go without other things.

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