Monday, December 14, 2009

How long has it been since you had your last pimple?

im almost 19 and its been months since i had one!!! I think ive finally grown out of that phase! HURRAY!!!|||u kiddin me ? i have a bunch of them ...jeez...they never gimme a break !|||Two days ago, and I am close to 30!|||couple days|||I%26#039;ve got some now.|||goes im 18 and i have so many right now and they dont go away!|||ew. stop.|||3 weeks.|||2 seconds|||Actually I woke up with a small one on my cheek today...damn pimples...|||Good Luck, I am 32 and just yesterday popped one them buggers.|||congrats i still get mine *sigh*|||I am 76 years young, and I still get a pimple now and again.

Consider yourself lucky if you do not get them anymore.|||last week.. still there... its almost gone cause im using some of my sister%26#039;s product (-_-) its only one in my cheek|||i%26#039;m 34 and still get them,every couple months or so,stay away from chocolate and greasy foods,and marijuana,those will make you break out.

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