Monday, December 14, 2009

I have a pimple that feels like a scab, but actually isn't s scab.?

I have a pimple that feels like a scab, but actually isn%26#039;t s scab. Its on my pimple and the tip of it is a brownish dot (the whole thing is actually very small). Is it best to leave it, or scratch/pick it off?|||Leave it alone for a few days to see if it is really a pimple or if it is a new mole that is just forming. If you are really concerned, make an appointment with a dermatologist.|||I have a list of good and fresh websites on Acne treatment.

Its a policy voilation of yahoo if i post any link here.

Just mail me at with subjet Acne treatment. I will send a link of best website where you can find best deals.

Best wishes|||sounds like a pimple that regrows in the same spot, you should just put a little bit of acohol on it.

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