Thursday, December 17, 2009

I tried to pop an underground pimple?

Ok so i know its bad, but i tried to pop an underground pimple. Now when i woke up theres this scar from i think trying to pop it. I dont know what it is but when you touch it you dont feel it like a normal scar. Its almost like a scar underneath my skin. I want to get rid of it any suggestions.|||I would talk to a dermatologist. What may be happening is that there are still bacteria underneath the surface and they are causing inflammation which is keeping the area from healing properly. While this may go away on its own, your chances of getting the area to heal properly are better with an expert.|||its an ingrown pimple, i get them all the time, theyre terrible. dont squeeze it anymore cause you can cause it to get infected and scar. it will go away on its own, but it does take some time unfortunately. also with the ingrown pimples squeezing them can actually cause more, the bacteria spreads to your other pores and can cause more pimples. its not a scar underneath your skin it just got aggravated from trying to squeeze it. if it ever forms a head then go ahead and pop it, otherwise leave it be, it will dry up on its own.|||Leave it be keep it clean and dry. Don%26#039;t touch it a lot it will take a week to heal and touching it will make it worse.

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