Monday, December 14, 2009

Everyone once in a while i get a bad pimple, thats under my skin so i cant pop it. what is it??

they hurt a lot and are red for a while and dont go away fully for like a month|||I%26#039;ve had those before. They are very painful, and hard to not play with. They are essentually the same as a pimple, but it%26#039;s the actual pore being infected instead of just a clogged pore like a regular pimple. They are hard to get rid of but if you boil a pot of water and stand over it to let the steam open your pores, then wash your face with warm water, after that put on a clay facial mask (they are really cheap and you can get them at any drug store). As the mask dries it will draw the oil out of the opened pore and either dry out the pimple or bring it to a head.|||It is an infection from something. It could be from bacteria that got into pores, or just dirt. You can let them run their course. I always end up fussing with mine and it just makes them worse and even more painful.|||Is it a boil? I don%26#039;t know if people get boils on their face, but I know that if you have somethign that is constanly irritating it that can happen. Unless you can get it to pop they keep coming back. ..I had one on my ankle from a certain pair of work shoes and it kept coming back and driving me nuts.|||its a pimple in progress this means that its getting ready to poke out and if you pick at it and it not fully developed then you will turn it into a sore. rub toothpaste on it and this will dry it up.|||It%26#039;s an infected oil gland and DON%26#039;T USE A NEEDLE LIKE SOME HAVE RECOMMENDED. By using a needle you run the risk of scaring. Try using steam or a hot wash cloth and hold over the effected area. It will still take some time but it will go away. Wash face frequently and always remove make up before going to bed. Astringents will help as well.|||you cant pop those kinda pimples they leave scars, those R ussualy caused by cloged pores, since you say its one in a while buy a overnight pimple cream or if ur cheap use toothpaste|||If it%26#039;s under your skin, try using a needle.

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