Thursday, December 17, 2009

Have you had such a large pimple on your chin, that you named it?

Please help me think of a name.|||OMG yes! Ugh I hate those. Name him Puss McGee or Fred

~MLF~|||yes, I have one on my back that I call Squirt. You can use that one!|||Mongo! I never had one I named, but I had one that ended up getting it%26#039;s on zip code!|||haha Zitty

SteveC|||Ya i called it George bush and then i squeezed it and it died :D|||haha, name it Bob

= )|||Yeah, I called it Sallie!!|||Yes, it was so big i called it MiniMe.|||I call the really deep one%26#039;s that don%26#039;t erupt - skin divers.|||Home Base|||no semen dries the chin pimple right up|||Sir zits a lot....

|||I name all my ailments after you doll.|||We used to call them headlights.

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