Monday, April 26, 2010

Hi.. i would like to know why when i shave down there it has the little pimple looking things on it?

and wat can i do to fix it.... i wanna have sex but i dont want to after i shave cuz i have those and so i really need your help|||ive gotten that too. Dont worry youre fine, Most people in fact do get those. Its like razor burn except in your private areas.

- Rub alot of soap down there and let it soak in before starting to shave.Dont use shaving cream because if it gets in you itll burn. Dont shave over and over on the same area because it could cause alot of the bumps/

- You could try waxing, it leaves it completely smooth.

- You could try tweezing down there.

-Put baby powder on the area after shaving

:] good luck|||I have found that the sharper the razor you use the less it happens. Also, if the hair is really long shave it once in the direction of growth and then a second time against. If it still happens you can go to a drugstore like walgreens and in the bikini lotion isle there is a cream specially made for those little red bumps (which by the way are irritated hair follicles which will eventually become ingrown/ infected hairs). Sometimes if you shave right before you have sex the ummmm...fluids can irritate the skin as well. Try to shave in the morning before or as early as you can. The best way that I found to get rid of any is exfoliate before and after. Maybe you could alternate between waxing and plucking which will eventually lead to a less thick growth of hair which will be tons easier to shave. Hope that helps!|||It%26#039;s called folliculitis. It%26#039;s a low-grade infection of the hair follicles. Each little hair follicle with a pimple on it gets infected when it%26#039;s irritated by the shaving and then the bacteria from the surrounding skin get in. You can try some antibiotic creams and if that fails then antibiotic pills. You may also need to stop shaving for a while until this heals up.|||Everyone gets those I%26#039;m pretty sure. It%26#039;s like razor burn and ingrown hairs. The first day you shave it%26#039;s normally fine, but the second day is when it gets red and bumpy. You can buy stuff for that, but shaving less can decrease the bumps. It%26#039;s easier to shave when the hair is longer and when you shave downward it%26#039;s better for your skin.|||You probably have an ingrown hair or razor burn. Be more careful and use soap/shaving cream when you are shaving to try to avoid this. Try plucking the hair in the middle of the pimples and it should go away.

However, if the pimple-esque things are unrelated to shaving you need to get checked out by a doctor because it could be an STD.|||It is called razor burn. You need to use some kind of lotion and make sure you do not shave against the grain. If you get %26quot;pimple%26quot; like things down in your pubic area they could be ingrown hairs. To prevent them make sure you clean yourself daily and keep that area dry.|||Guys don%26#039;t care about those. They%26#039;re razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Just shave in comfortable temperature water so that you don%26#039;t have goosebumps, and use lotion after. If you really don%26#039;t want them, wax.|||Its ingrown hairs and razor burn, a good way to get rid of those is to either shave down or use nair. BEST solution is waxing, that the best result.|||that%26#039;s just what happens...

razor blades irritate the skin in that area..

i heard that it doesn%26#039;t do that with waxing. but i don%26#039;t know for sure because i%26#039;ve never tried waxing.|||you don%26#039;t need to shave to have sex...

but, if you must...鈥?/a>|||鈥?/a>|||You can buy a bump relief cream for down there but DON%26quot;T get it inside. Try getting a better razor and good shave cream otherwise you can always wax it. No pain No gain sister!!!|||Those are shave bumps. You can get stuff at Walmart of your local pharmacy/drug store for those.|||thats probably razor burn, it happpens to almost everyone!|||probably razor burn|||that is probaly herpes|||consult a dermatologist, or just lay off the razor|||it%26#039;s an ingrown hair.... get a better quality shaver and exfoliate|||lmfao happens to everyone

shave less amounts at a time|||get that checked out you might have aids.|||possibly razor burn, which sticks. use shaving cream %26amp; be gentle/careful|||ingrown hairs maybe?|||in-grown hairs. stop shaving for a bit than wax or pluck.

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