Monday, April 26, 2010

My baby has a bunch of these little pimple like bumps on her knees what can it be?

its probably just a rash, or maybe excema. my sis has it and it causes her skin to get clumps of little red bumps all over! if your baby scratches then it will get worse. if it isnt excema then use aveeno oatmeal body cream and before she goes to sleep then put vaseline on it. if it is excema then go to a dermitolgist then and get a prescription. if this doesnt help you should take her to a dermetoligist anyway just to get it checked out.

hope this helps!

:)|||She could have heat rash, impetigo, a fungal infection, folliculitis, or myriad other pimple-causing problems, but it%26#039;s pretty hard to diagnose something with only one vague symptom.|||it may be a staff infection. its easily treatable with an antibiotic and extra daily cleaning. take her to see a doctor just to be sure.|||If they%26#039;re just a pale/white color, they%26#039;re nothing to worry about. Those are called milia and are harmless. Otherwise I%26#039;m not sure.

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